JAN 14th IceBrekr and Vaco Networking Event - Follow Prompts BelowPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.**Substituting for "tickets" will be your profile added to the JAN 14th IceBrekr and Vaco Networking Event Page in the IceBrekr App. Make sure you install and/or access the page by following the prompts and clicking the link provided after checkout. Reach out if you have trouble.** Join us on Jan 14th, where seasoned professionals and business leaders connect and reconnect with peers, get encouraged, get reenergized, and expand their network. Attendees are a good mix of entrepreneurs, local executives, innovators, consultants and tech leaders. IceBrekr is co-hosting with Vaco, at their beautiful Brentwood campus. Don't miss out on this chance to nurture your network, elevate your energy, and make valuable connections. A couple local celeb guests have confirmed attendance as well! Intentional guest list. Business attire, light food, beverages. Live music. January 14th, 6:00 pm, VACO - Brentwood, 5501 Virginia Way Suite 120, Brentwood, TN 37027. Don’t miss this unique event! Follow the prompts below... This event is intended for leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs, consultants, freelancers, tech leaders and those who aspire to those - you ready?YesNoAre you willing to install the IceBrekr App (link provided shortly) and access the Event Page to maximize the connection experience for all attendees? This is a requirement to attend.Yes, of course!no. (If you choose this you won't be able to continue.)Name *FirstLastEmail *Phone *Payment Info the the LINK TICKET (*You will get a link) *Price: $25.00012345678910NOTE - After finishing the payment form, you will be provided a link to access the IceBrekr and Vaco Event Page. Your profile on that page will be your "ticket". If you already have the app, STILL CLICK THE LINK and follow the prompts to be hyperlinked into the password protected event page. For easy profile creation (less typing) I recommend signing in with Linkedin or when given the option, import your Linkedin profile. Order Summary Item Quantity Total There are no products selected. TICKET (*You will get a link)0$0.00SubtotalTotal$0.00 $0.00Coupon Apply Complete with Credit Card *Submit