If you think of networking as opportunistic and self-serving chances are you are going to be bad at it. So let’s talk through some myths about networking.
In the entertainment industry, for instance, most gigs are landed through networking and referrals. If you’re in show business or another highly collaborative industry you will want to work with people you know and trust– it’s just natural to collaborate with people you’ve met, especially those who share your values.
Networking is critical to building a successful career in today’s economic climate. Connecting and building relationships with other professionals could be a key to that big break you’ve been working for. This article highlights common misconceptions and myths about networking, why they are wrong, and how professionals can forge exciting career paths through networking.

Myth 1: Networking Is “Time-Wasting”
Lack of immediate results can cause people to doubt that investing in networking is the best use of their time. According to Adler Group, a performance-based hiring firm, 85% of job opportunities are filled through networking.
The truth is that if you view networking through a positive lens, you can make it work regardless of time constraints. You never know where your next career opportunity will come from–networking and meeting people could be the key.

Myth 2: I Have Nothing To Offer
Not all popular artists and influencers started out popular. Many spent years honing their skills and helping others before they had a breakthrough.
You would be amazed at how much you have to offer if you put yourself out there.
You would be amazed at how much you have to offer if you put yourself out there. Your favorite artist or business executive is coming to town and needs help with attendance? Don’t be afraid to lend a hand. Invite your friends and colleagues to attend. Share about the event on social media and other digital mediums to boost attendance. If you succeed in boosting attendance, that’s one way to help. People will always appreciate gestures like these.
So don’t underestimate yourself, you have more to offer than you think. Networking is collaborative, everyone can play a part. So next time you feel afraid to help, do it anyway. Whether it’s volunteering or helping solve a problem, you can be instrumental in shaping the conversation and unlocking opportunities for people.

Myth 3: Networking Is Self-Serving
Some professionals see networking as inauthentic and self-serving and in contrast to their personal values. They perceive networking as one-sided, insincere, and offer unfair advantage to one party at the expense of another.
The fact is that networking is reciprocal, it’s a mutual exchange of value between two or more people; everyone has to put in work in order for it to be a success. The best way to approach networking according to experts is to give more than you get.
Connect with people on a deeper level, don’t ask for a favor too early in your relationships, get to know them first and let them know you. If opportunities arise that fit your expertise, it’s natural for them to hear from someone they see as part of their network. If you approach networking as a way to meet interesting people and give back, you’re more likely to succeed.

Myth 4: Networking Is Only For Extroverts
There’s a saying in the entertainment business that one must network to work. This is accurate because without networking it’s pretty tough to land a gig. This not only applies in the show business, the same applies in many other industries and professions out there. If you want to take your career to the next level, networking should be at the forefront of your strategy, no matter your industry or profession.

Anyone can build a professional network of contacts. Even introverts can be great at networking. Introverts naturally connect with people on a more personal level than extroverts often do, which is a valuable skill in the professional world.
Networking is about mindset.
approaching it with the right attitude will help you get better at it than people who think it’s not for them. In today’s interconnected world, networking is an invaluable skill for anyone looking to make a career move.